IBS advice!

All home remedies that I know to help calm IBS symptoms. Hopefully this helps some of you.

Drink ginger ale or ginger tea. It will calm the cramps and settle the stomach.

Eat probiotics. This also does the same thing as ginger. It's in most yogurts or some drug stores carry melting probiotic pills over the counter that work great.

Eat bananas if you're experiencing diarrhea. It's part of the "brat diet" which usually consists of bread, crackers, rice, pretzels. This will help harden anything that's in there and prevent too many bowel movements.

Up your fiber intake if constipated. I've noticed raisins work good for this as they're easy to carry around and snack on.

Drink peppermint tea or chew peppermint gum if you're feeling nauseated.

Stay away from excess salt. Having too much will bring on extra bloating. Instead, try drinking water as this will help regulate bowel movements and ultimately take care of extra bloat.

If all else fails, try stretching or light exercises to break things up.

This is all I've got for now. If anyone has more tips post them here! Xox