Life with my husband is a nightmare

Currently life is a nightmare. Lately everything building up in me came to a head and I am just constantly furious at him. Like at an insane level of fury. I am normally a calm person and it takes a lot to make me angry. He won’t go to counseling with me, makes empty promises and it never happens. I’m so fed up, I’d rather be homeless than keep dealing with him. I don’t see how this marriage can be saved but I’m Christian and I don’t understand why this is happening. And people around me say I need to stay and work it out. I’ve tried for years and I just don’t think I love him enough. I don’t find him remotely attractive, he’s sociopathic so we barely have morals that line up (he doesn’t have any basically), he’s autistic and has no empathy or emotional intelligence, and he’s bipolar with mood swings. I can’t do this anymore, I have no support and no family and no real friends but I’m so fucking miserable. I hate my life so much!