Irregular cycle


I haven’t posted much on here, mostly just read others posts but I’m curious if anyone is experiencing what I am. We’ve been TTC for about 5 months (I know, not long, but it only took 2 months with our first- very lucky!) my cycles have usually been very normal, but I swear once we started trying it started to get all whacky- my cycles are lasting anywhere from 32-39 days, and I’m currently on day 40 of my cycle with no signs of AF but all negative tests.

Has anyone gone through something similar?

If so, did you “take” anything to help regulate your cycle?

Any ovulation trackers/ tests you’ve tried and trust?

Is there ANY chance I could be pregnant?

I fear because my cycles are so off I’ll never know when I truly ovulate.

Any advice is appreciated! Thanks! 😘