Premama, Acupuncture, Pink Stork Fertility, Clomid

Hi there all.

Just wondering if anyone has any luck conceiving baby #2 with any or all of these? Premama Fertility packs

Acupuncture for fertility

Pink Stork Fertility tea

Clomid 50mgs

I currently just finished my first round of clomid 50mgs and have been drinking Pink Stork tea and had acupuncture. I'm waiting on the Premama Fertility packs to get delivered to start taking. I absolutely hate the way Clomid makes me feel, but willing to do it again if any of these other things don't work. DH and I will be seeing the ob for an <a href="">IUI</a> this December if we can't conceive on our own with help from any of these treatments. Side note: baby #1 was conceived from <a href="">IUI</a> and clomid. We are just trying to do it on our own for a few more months before getting the <a href="">IUI</a>.