Labor soon?

Sorry if this TMI... I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence but when I first found out I was pregnant I had suspected it because I had a weird “fluffy” poop for about a week straight and that is very uncommon for me. I haven’t had it since the week before I found out I was pregnant. Now I’m 38.2 and have been having a ton of period like cramps for a few days and headaches and today I had the “fluffy” poop again. I’m wondering if this is a sign or could be a sign of labor coming soon. I’ve been dilated to a 1 since 35 weeks and at my last appointment I was 50% thinned. I’m keeping my fingers crossed this is a good sign. I’m very uncomfortable and doc says baby is at -3 station and engaged. When I sit I feel like I’m sitting on his head! It’s very uncomfortable! Has anyone else experienced this?!?!