Progesterone 6.2 / HCG 47 / I’m so dead inside


Anyone else have experience with this..? I’ve had two miscarriages and my doctor thought it was because of low progesterone last time.

Fast forward to now, what I believe is 5 weeks 4 days, and they told me my test results from Friday and my progesterone was only 6.2 with a very low hcg. I’m going back in a couple days, since they’re closed tomorrow for Holiday, just for another blood draw and I’m terrified.

What happens if I don’t get progesterone treatment soon enough? She mentioned to me when I saw her for my miscarriage in March that next time I was pregnant I would probably need progesterone shots and to not wait to call her and so I didn’t wait... I’m so nervous for this blood draw and then those results will probably not be ready until Monday. 😭😭 Almost a week away... so no progesterone until at least then...

I can’t handle another miscarriage. I’m worried I’ll spiral completely out of control.

I can’t lose another one. 😭 has anyone else had to wait for progesterone and was still okay? Will it actually work?

My baby bloat from yesterday!^