Can your period come back???🤨🤨


Okay so first off my period is super abnormal it’s 3 days, super heavy, so much cramping.

So I had my period for the 3 days, it had a lot of clots in it which for me is odd but I didn’t think much of it. It was also darker than usual but again I didn’t think much of it because of how odd my periods already are.

Well the 3 days pass and then I notice I have light pink spotting for 3 more days after?

And I’m like wtf??

There is no way my period is coming back??

Now it’s the 4th day of this pink mess and it’s only when I wipe that I get the pink.

I can’t eat anything like I feel like my taste buds have changed, anything I eat make me want to vomit everywhere.

I get hot flashes, and start shaking and I really don’t want to be sick right now.

Does anyone know what going on with me right now??? I need help😰😰