Not being careful while not ttc!

Brittany • 22 Preston James born 4/24/2018 Our hearts are full😍

I am currently 9 Weeks PP From an emergency c section. And for the first few times having sex with my husband he was careful (I mean like pulling out. Not saying that’s even fully careful 😂) but he went on a business trip for a week and when he got back of course we had sex that night and he didn’t even try to pull out. And I didn’t even try to stop him!! And ever since we haven’t even been trying to be careful. And it kinda is like the sexiest thing ever. (Call me strange lol) I do not want another baby right now. But I also wouldn’t be like extremely sad if it happened. It took us three years to finally get pregnant. And what if it takes three more. Idk. I just want to know if anyone else is experiencing these feelings as well?