Today has been rough.


I was called today and told my bloodwork came back indicating high risk for down syndrome. I immediately started crying and barely heard anything else the doctor said other than to come in so further testing. rushed in to get the genetic blood work done and then the high risk doctor called and scheduled a level II ultrasound.

after getting everything I order I was finally in a better state to ask questions. and asked what the results showed anyway. she told me it was 1:145 when

normal range starts at 1:270.

after coming home and googling everything as much as we could we've found that means there's a 0.7% chance our baby has down syndrome and we've found so many stories of women who had results of 1:50 or similar and still didn't have a baby with down syndrome.this has been a very hard conversation for my husband and I but I'm holding on hope that by Fridays appointment we have some positive news. :-/