Giving up on pregnancy


We’ve been trying to conceive for coming up on 6 years. I’ve done everything I can and followed all instructions to a T. My husband has been checked over and he is perfect. Today was day 14 of my 2ww and I started my cycle. A HUGE blow because at my last ultrasound, I had THREE follicles measuring 20 mm. I was feeling hopeful because my cycle usually starts 10 days post trigger shot. So being day 14 I was hopeful.

I’m surrounded by pregnancies and children and I am crushed a little bit more everyday. I’ve thrown out all my ovulation and pregnancy test strips. I’ve cried face down on my pillow and got mad at my husband. It’s controlling every aspect of my life (ex. bachelorette party in Oct-shoot I should RSVP “no” in case I’m pregnant). Insanity. It’s been 6 years, why would it happen for ya now?

Has anyone ever reached this point? Where they are just done? I am so heart broken I can’t even explain to my husband how it feels. I need help. Please