Ladies I’m late.. 🙃


I’m 8 almost 9 days late. We BD the day before ovulation and the day after. This last week I’ve had super sore breasts, tender nipples and they are swollen. I typically fluctuate between a 34 DD and a 32DDD. Lately I’ve been in a 34DD bra, this last week I’ve had to break out my 32DDD bras. I haven’t experienced any pms like cramps. None. Typically I cramp up the day before my period is supposed to arrive but my cycle is known to come 2-3 days early or late if it fluctuates at all. I have had little bubble like cramps, just felt like I had to fart pretty much. Today my DH noticed my appetite was up, in which he said something then I also noticed how hungry I’ve been this last week. I haven’t tested because I’m honestly afraid of the outcome. We want a baby, but I’m nervous due to having a prior miscarriage. Is it too early to test? Should I test?