When is too soon for toddler bed?


My husband and I have a 16 month old and just had a new baby.. we haven’t purchased nursery furniture yet because we’re a little tight on money. His family has offered to purchase our crib and my family offered to purchase dresser. Long story short, would it make better sense to just purchase a cheap toddler bed for first son and move his nursery furniture into the new nursery? Just stuck on what we should do.

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We have a 17 month old daughter. We transitioned her into the toddler bed at 13 months to make sure she was good for when baby #2 was born. The first week was a little rough with the new freedom but since then she sleeps better then she did in her crib. Here she is reading in her bed waiting for us to come get her in the morning


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I put my son in a toddler bed at 15 mos. he’s been in it now for 2 and 1/2 months. I also have a 6 week old so I wanted to transition before I gave birth to my 2nd. It was hard first 2-3 weeks - he’d get out and appear at the foot of my bed sometimes but now he sleeps all night in it even if he wakes up. We monitor him from a baby cam so we can see what hes up to. I’m so glad I took the chance and just moved him to a toddler bed from his pack n play. I’d say go for it - just make sure you close door to his room and it latches or they can get out and roam easier.


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Get one of those 4-1 cribs. Walmart sells them for around 200. You can convert it for ever stage.