Super friendzoned//Used//And I didn’t even like him at first? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


So... I got out of a relationship before Christmas last year and have been dating around and trying to make things work with my ex in the last several months. My ex and I no longer talk because I couldn’t deal with it anymore so I have been on the hunt to move on to bigger and better things since. I started online dating and met a man that is not my type at all, I expected to not even be a little bit into him but agreed to meeting anyways. He’s 26 years old next month and I am 22 in September.

Anywho, we meet and we actually had a lot of fun. He was funny, confident, intoxicating, made me feel like the prettiest girl in the room, and really helped me get comfortable enough to get out of my shell. So OF COURSE I wanted to see him again. I went home after we went out for a few drinks, we kissed and he left. We kind of insinuated that we would see each other again and I was okay with either outcome at this point.


The next night, we were texting about planning our next excursion and he tells me he needs to be honest about something... basically he has a 6 year old daughter with a woman he was never truly emotionally involved with. I had to have known or at least been informed he had a kid because it was on his profile but he didn’t mention it or post any photos of her so out of sight out of mind.. no big deal to me, but it did catch me off guard.

We go out again. Same thing, it was a blast for me. He opened up more and told me a lot about his past and I gained a lot more respect for him and became genuinely interested. We leave after a few drinks and he starts to take me home but we had been making out a lot of the night so he suggested we go somewhere that we could enjoy the night a little longer before he dropped me off and he’s not from here so I showed him a place. And we ended up hooking up which was also great even for a kind of a drunken mess.. 🤷🏼‍♀️

We plan a third time meeting (keeping in mind that we only see each other every week to two weeks or so so it’s been maybe 6 weeks of talking to each other at this point). I decided to go to him this time and we got an Airbnb since we live over an hour away from each other and wanted to party a little. Same thing, tons of fun, we talked a lot, had a lot of sex.. everything seemed fine.

The next morning at breakfast he drops another bomb on me...

His story is basically he’s from the San Diego, CA area and then moved to the desert for whatever reason. He told me he had a roommate that is basically just an old man which didn’t seem far fetched because tons of old people live in the desert. Come to find out his sister and his “best friend” live out here too at their place. Well, the truth was his “best friend” is actually his exgirlfriend and his “roommate” is actually her dad who is also his boss... I knew he wasn’t totally over her but it really surprised me that this was the situation. We continued our second day together that weekend and went on a drive to a look out point and stopped for cold drinks in the afternoon and at that point I decided I wanted to go home.

Even though I have fun with this guy and I have started to like him... I’m not sure I can entertain this anymore. This morning he tells me he went to go pick up his dog from the ex girlfriend but found some dude sleeping in her bed and he lost his shit and beat him up. I don’t know, after everything he has told me about her, I don’t know why he would hang on to something so toxic and still be so crazy for someone who treats him so badly...?

He then goes on to pretty much friend zone me and I

feel kind of used now and I’m not sure how to fix this.

Obviously it’s not going anywhere... so do I cut my losses and just not talk to him anymore or do I keep doing what I’m doing? I don’t know, I guess I’m a little butt hurt that someone who obviously claims to think so highly of me, doesn’t act on it.
