A letter to my SO (Emotional)

Aimee • Mom of 2 💜

As I’m sitting here bawling my eyes out you sleep peacefully beside me. I had a bad dream in which my hateful half sister said some some nasty things to me. In that same dream you dumped me with no explanation and ignored me when I tried talking to you.

Because of this I woke up crying because of the dream and due to the taxi that being almost 28 w pregnant has my hormones all in a twist, something you don’t understand. When I awoke your arm was around me as I laid on my back and cried. You shushed me for about 5 seconds before telling me to stop crying. You pulled the blanket off of me and left me in the cold. I laid there with silent tears running down my face and with the cold air touching my skin, the only comfort coming from our little boy as he kicked at my tummy.

All I wanted was for you to hold me and tell me everything was okay instead I was left in the cold until I git back from the bathroom and took back part of the blanket.

Even while writing this I feel your arm against my back and just wish for you to hold me. I’m sorry I woke you up 3 hours you went to bed. I’m sorry that sometimes you get annoyed with me. I’m sorry that this pregnancy is tough and we spent all day In the hospital yesterday. I’m sorry that those tears weeent just from the dream but from all the emotional and physical pain I’m feeling. I know you ate loving and caring but when I need you most you’re not there.

If you’ve read this far thank you.