Need some advice about possible symptoms after stopping the birth control pill!



My name is Jesslena and I’ve been off the pill for about 3 weeks. (Maybe a bit less I can’t quite remember) I’ve been on it since I was 15 or 16 and am now almost 26. I’ve suffered with generalized anxiety, depression and OCD for as long as I can remember. I was wondering if going off the pill would ease these symptoms as well as nausea and my excessive tiredness (which I’m sure the anxiety meds I’m taking also contribute to). So I decided to give it a go.

For the first 3 weeks or so I felt great! But the last two days I’ve been feeling anxious, depressed, moody, and my OCD has been a little worse. Kinda like before I was on the pill. (I think anyways. It was so long ago!) I know I used to get this way before my periods even on the pill, and perhaps being off it, now it’s excelling...? I have taken 2 pregnancy tests and am not pregnant so that isn’t the problem.

I’ve read many peoples stories who say getting off the pill has helped their anxiety issues and has vastly improved their overall well being. I was feeling like this at first but now I’m worried the pill hormones have fully warn off and maybe this is my natural state of mind without the pill. I’ve also read that the extra estrogen in the pill can cause anxiety to actually decrease and that it helps people with PTSD amongst other things. But I’ve also read that it can increase anxiety. I know every woman is different and experiences different results when being on or off hormonal birth control, so I can understand different articles having different answers.

I would like to continue being off the pill and feeling like I was at first, and will continue to stay off it for the next month or two to really give it a shot. But will go back on if I feel I need to.

I would love to hear from anyone who has any helpful information for me or perhaps has a personal experience to share that may help me through my decision to go back on the pill or kick it to the curb!