What I did differently this month to get my BFP!


So we’ve been TTC for baby #1 for 1.5 years, it seemed like it would never happen for us, and I started to lose hope. On the end of our 18th cycle, we finally got our BFP(s) and I just wanted to share what I did differently this month to conceive!

So first of all, I started going to a fertility clinic to get a quick consult and see what my options were, or if they could tell me what was wrong with me so that I could fix it and finally get pregnant. After multiple tests on hubby and I, the doctor determined that despite a slightly low motility from him and consistent signs of PCOS with me, he still would categorize it as “unexplained fertility”. I have very irregular periods (my longest cycle day was 90 at one point) so the doctor wanted me to get on oral birth control pills for 2 cycles to try to regulate my period to get it back on track. When I got done with that, the doctor prescribed me Femara, and if you don’t know what that is, it’s a medication that essentially helps your body to ovulate so you can get pregnant! I was doubtful it would work for me, since I had been trying for sooo long, but much to my surprise, I ovulated on CD 16. I knew that this wasn’t the BFP I was so wanting quite yet, but it felt like a small accomplishment! The doctor told me to have timed intercourse 18-24 hours AFTER I got my positive OPK, and so we did! We used Pre-seed each time we BD’d. I waited until 13dpo to take a test, because I was so afraid of a negative test again, especially after confirmed ovulation. When I tested, I couldn’t believe it was positive so I took 4 more tests just to be sure lol! I did a hcg blood test the next day (14dpo) and it came back to be 86! They want me to do a few more blood tests later on to see if the hormone is increasing the way it should be, and if all goes well, they will schedule me for a 7 week ultrasound! They say according to my last period, I am 4 weeks and 4 days today! If anyone has any questions, I’m always here to talk! I’m trying not to get my hopes up too high, just in case my blood levels drop or anything happens, but I’ve finally gotten past all of the negative tests and heartbreak. I wish this feeling for every one of you lovely ladies that have been trying, no matter how long. My biggest piece of advice is to never give up. You may feel like the one thing in the world you want the most isn’t obtainable, but just know that God knows your plan and is always watching over you. ❤️ BABY DUST TO ALL! 💕