Is 2 in one day toooo much?🤪🤪🤪🤫

Hi ladies!!! So I’ve been talking to this guy, it’s not official yet buttt he’s such a sweet heart, and hasn’t tried anything sexual with me... anyways I saw him 2 days ago and this time he got a little touchy and slapped my butt and kinda dry humped me and OMG it left me HORNY.... anyways I kinda wanna wait to have sex with him until he makes it official but my vagina has a heartbeat I can’t help it... anyways today I sent him a little sexy pic 🤫🤫🤫 I was in some black bra and black sexy thong and I know he loved it and not gonna lie I looked good😂😂 and I’m hornyyyy I’m thinking if I should send him another one??? Should I or??? One is enough?(((;;; I enjoy teasing... and if I send another one today it’d be 2 in one day.... should I not or should I send one.... SOS!!