Boy help!


Okay so I’ve known this guy for about a year and then some. And we’ve been going out on dates lately and trying to be something more. It’s really nice. But anyways I’ve been getting the urge to text him “I love you” when there’s like a silent little break between texts but now he’s really all I think about. So I really really think I do I’m just not sure about how he feels- (typical, I know.)

but Ive known that he really likes me and a while back he said he loved me. So I’m just unsure because we haven’t put a label on things just for my sake and he’s okay with that. He’s befriended everyone/family that I love. I tried making it a conversation about how we felt and if it was love when we texted last night but I got scared so I took it back and things got really awkward on the phone

but now it’s obviously fine I just don’t know how I should approach it anymore. It’s on my mind a lot lately. And man everything I do with him is so much fun. We haven’t kissed or did anything physical bc I want to wait and grow into it, for now it’s just genuine conversations and walks on the beach and my city.

Idk. Maybe I’m not ready or maybe I’m just scared because what if he doesn’t like me? Idk 😐

Any advice?