Just venting

Hi my name is shay I'm 28 yrs old I work at a daycare making 8hr I work Monday-Friday 8am to 7pm with only one hour break I am currently 33 weeks pregnant I have been married to my wife for 7 years she is 27 yrs old and works at a hospital as a transporter making 8.61 we both went to school for the careers we currently hold I was so excited for our first little one We brought everything because we knew a babyshower was not an option but we didn't mind one day in feb my wife became very ill after taking a medicine prescribed to her by the doctor not know she was allergic to it this put her out of work see we always lived paycheck to paycheck my bills were paid barely paid but paid if we did splurge on a nice dinner or a event we always had to look at prices if I wanted something it is always this or pay that bill n if we did go out we couldn't fully pay our bills well now since my wife cant work which she hates n feel terrible about but her health n wellbeing means more to me than a bill bills come around every 15 days but she only gets one life but anyway the conversations from parents went from how u doing to when u gonna be an adult n pay this bill in full everyone only calls me now to remind me what I owe n how late I am and I'm like damn I'm trying I really am every paycheck I've recieved since my wife been ill has only went on bills nothing else not even for my unborn child my mom told me yesterday that I can't afford to take a leave I'm sorry you guys but they act like I'm a horrible person I've never been behind I always paid on time I've always sacrificed my wants n happiness for my bills n the one time something out of my control happens they act like we are horrible people my bills consist of car note (my dad is a consigned) car insurance in my mom name because she has a multi car discount, phone, internet, rent, lights I'm trying not to stress I really am but its not easy I always end up crying on the phone because they always say some horrible things to me