My 2 day induction!

I was given cervidil to begin induction at midnight on Tuesday(I was 38 weeks and 4 days and only dilated to 1cm)due to a nonresponsive NST and signs of early labor earlier that afternoon. After 5 1/2 hours of cervidil, almost 8 hours of pitocin and contractions that were 2 minutes apart, walking, bouncing on a birthing ball (the changes in position helped make the pain bearable), cervical checks that got more and more painful each time, and still only dilated 1cm, my Dr. decided to stop the induction at 1pm to let me rest and eat and restart the cervidil and 10 PM. I never stopped having contractions though and at 10 PM I was still only 1cm! The cervidil was placed (AGAIN!)and I was given an Ambien to help me sleep. At 4 AM the contractions were back to being 2 minutes apart and of course I could no longer sleep. The cervidil was removed at 6:30 and pitocin started at 7 along with another cervix check (which left me in tears). I was still only 1 cm! At 9 the Dr. came in to check my cervix, yet again I was in tears as the pain was unbearable! BUT I was now 4 cm! So the Dr. broke my water and HOLY COW the contractions intensified immediately (and I thought I was in pain before, the joke was on me)! I promptly asked for the epidural (my hopes for having a natural birth were not going to happen) and by 9:25 I had pain relief. Yah, for me, I could finally relax though I could still feel an intense pressure in my rear end with each contraction which I thought was just babies head. Boy was I wrong! The pressure kept getting more intense but I didn't mention it because again I thought it was normal. At 10:45 a nurse came in to change the fetal monitor but couldn't find the babies heartbeat and kept saying "but I can feel baby right here" pointing to a hard spot of my stomach! (WTF! Of course I start freaking out) so she calls another nurse to help her and she also can't find the heartbeat. I look at my stomach and say "my stomach has never looked like this" so the nurse pulls the cover back and babies head is completely out! I mean I can literally see it between my legs (now I know what that pressure was! ). She tells me to push twice and baby was here, born at 10:48. The other nurse says "well that explains why there was no heartbeat, it was on the bed" and started laughing! I didn't and don't find any of that funny! I was freaking out thinking something was wrong with my baby and then wondering how long her head had been out and if she was negatively affected and so on. This experience needless to say was nothing like my first two which really proves the point that every pregnancy is different! Thank God baby was perfectly okay.