tired of judgmental "know it alls"

I see so many people, even mothers bash other mothers for having c-sections or formula feeding their babies or saying things like "when I was pregnant I was able to do everything" well good for you guise! seems people forget every pregnancy is different.. it just bothers me because people make mothers feel less of a mom because they're not doing it the "traditional" way like breast feeding and giving birth vaginal. some parents dont have a choice when it comes to that and some do. either way we shouldn't be making mothers feel less of a mom for it. I don't get why people care so much when its not even their child! just because you were able to breastfeed and give birth vaginal doesn't make you the superior mom, everyone is a mother, regardless of how they do it! people need to get off their high horse and start realizing that. just wanted to get this off my mind because I'm tired of seeing this being a constant thing!