Would you leave?

So this is a long story and I am trying my hardest to stay positive. I have been with my partner for 5 years. We have two boys and are expecting twins in October. Our relationship moved very fast I left a bad relationship and met him and we have been together ever since. I quit my job which paid very well and offered a lot of good things. We decided to move to the island and start a life. My family is 16hrs away. He has family out here and I thought it would be so different his family doesn’t try or ever have anything to do with us. When we are around his mom she is nothing but negative and constantly arguing over everything. Not to mention she treats my youngest not good she puts my oldest son ahead and favours him over my youngest and it kills me to watch. Anyways I have been talking to my partner wanting to go back where my family is. I need the support and help and they would be there for anything. My partner is being so selfish. He leaves me everyday without a vehicle expecting me to sit at home day in and day out. When I ask to take the vehicle he guilt trips me. I notice so many things and I am not happy I actually feel like I hate him. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking having kids with him. Everything is what he wants I am just supposed to sit back and do what he wants. His family is literally horrible they never ever want anything to do with us and then he expect s me to go to his moms. I am just beyond done. I guess I just wanted to vent he thinks I am selfish but I have needs and I don’t ask much from him. But I really do feel like my love is fading

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