So irritated!


ok so im only 22 and have had period probs since i 1st started my periods at 13 i was always like 2 months late and would cramp stuff like that but the older i get the longer it is b4 i get a period im now 62 days late ! idk what to do ive tried bc it made me sick so i couldnt take it and i tried metformin it worked but i never git pregnant (not that im trying) but even with metformin it took a whole bottle b4 i started and then i just gave up bec i couldnt afford the co pay so im having to gk back to my gyno i just dont know what to say or do anymore i wanna be regulated and i dont ovulate like i should but i want to just incasebin the future i want a baby i need answers and help from anyone who is the same way or was the same way .. T.I.A!!