High blood pressure


Traditionally my BP is 110-115 but at today’s appointment it was 166 😳. My doctor sent me to L&D; for tests and observation. After laying down for a few hours it dropped back down to 117. There was protein in my urine so now I have to collect my urine for 24 hours and bring it back for more testing. They gave me the steroid shot for her lungs (I’m 35 weeks 4 days) and did an ultrasound. I was told she looks good, but is measuring large. I’m home now but supposed to go to doctor twice a week now for NST. In general I’m not entirely sure what to think or what’s going on. One nurse made me feel like everything was just a precaution and they were just being safe and another one made me feel like the baby needed to come out tomorrow. Just hoping for the best!