Feeling like all hope is lost..

(Possible trigger) I’ve been ttc for a little over 6 months, been with my partner for over 2 years, & absolutely nothing....I have pcos symptoms(never diagnosed) endometriosis & I’m just feeling it’s never going to happen 😞 My doctor said I’ll be able to get pregnant easily, but this journey has been a lot longer & tougher than I thought. I just feel like it won’t even happen to me, after a miscarriage in 2013 I’ve wanted this so bad...but it feels like reality just hit hard & it’s nothing but a want. Anyone else feel like this?😕 I’m 25& want to start a family soon, but I feel like I disappoint my husband every time I can’t get pregnant...it’s taking a toll on me mentally & physically💔 Any advice to help? I’ve been depressed for months& I’m not wanting to give up completely...