40+1 and continuous menstrual cramps


So I’m 40+1, 3 to 4cm, and 70% effaced (as of Tuesday). I have been having painless contractions for the last few days- stomach becomes hard as a rock. This morning at 430am I started with menstrual-like cramps. Was off and on then only when I moved in bed now continuous. I am continuing with the painless contractions as well and my pelvic region (aka vagina 😣) huuurts. Sound familiar to anyone? I’m so hoping my guy is coming today 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Edit to add— in L&D;!! Got here around 1145am (currently 345pm) and I was 6cm when they checked last. Dr guesses I’ll have my baby before the sun sets 😁