I hate my body right now

I know every woman preaches self love but I need to scream this or I'll choke. I HATE my body right now. I hate that I'm TTC and I know I'm PMSing right now. I hate that I can't lose weight no matter what I do. I hate that instead of enjoying my precious days off work with my SO I'm lying in my bed writing this post. I hate my hair because I haven't the energy to make it look good. I hate my eyes because I can't see without my specs. I hate my nose because it looks pointy. I don't hate my lips. they are kind nice tbh lol. I hate my tongue because I have a bad taste in my mouth I can't shift. I hate my arms they are Flabby. I hate my boobs because they ache for AF next week. I hate my stomach because I'm bloated as fk. hate my legs they are flabby too and much too warm all the time and achey. I hate my feet because they are swollen and hot too. Oh and I hate my brain because it aches too and makes me think and feel all of this junk. men have it so easy!!!! rant over.