Please Help!!!


Hello everyone! My post is to hopefully get some good tips and advices on my problem here. Im 11 weeks and 5 days pregnant. This is my second pregnancy and i have a son thats 2 years old. Not to mention that morning sickness made it harder for me to get close to my son because whenever i smell him or get close to him i puke!! Anyways im getting better now however, ive been treating him really bad due to my anger mood that i cant seem to manage. Im always yelling at him and sometimes beat him if he does something wrong, but i swear i cant control myself today has been the worst day for me, ive been crying since this morning because im so angry and furious all the time!! Even my husband, i cant stand him especially if he says something that i dont like. And to be honest my husband isn’t understanding my situation!!! Hes been complaining about me sleeping early, which isn’t my fault i feel tired and nauseated, he complains if the house gets messy sometimes, he complains if i dont cook and if I repeat the same meal in a week!!! He is pissing me off and is using my pregnancy as an excuse!!! Im very tired and sad and angry all at once!!i feel like leaving the house and just run away!! Please ladies help me out and give me some good advices!!!