Help! I think my son is gay

I am in a really tough situation. I have 2 beautiful boys. 14yrs and 19yrs old. I believe that my youngest is homosexual but he hasn't come out to me. Whether it be bisexual or homosexual. The issue is, that he has his '' friend '' sleep over, quite frequently. They close the door and play their games, like fortnite. My issue is, that I have caught my son and his friend in compromising but not completely inappropriate positions. They sleep in the same bed and are very close and one I heard ruffling about and through the door you could hear quite chattering, '' shh-ing '' and a lot of movement. The bed was being jerked back and forward and every once in a while there would be a grunt. My son isn't apparently queer but he definitely expresses some qualities ( I am not trying to stereotype ). My issue is, is he hasn't come out to me and he could be potentially having sexual encounters with this boy at a very very young age. If I approach him, he could be embarrassed or deny it. I want him to approach me about his sexuality, I don't want to pry and squeeze that information out of him because honestly, he needs to do it. He needs to accept it and tell his family because I can't take that empowerment away from him. What do I do? His brother has mates who sleep over in the same bed. I can't just tell my youngest that he can't have sleepovers in the same bed. He is far too young. I don't want to embarrass him. Especially if I'm wrong! I need help and advice. Mothers, teens, I am reaching out I need your help. ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ Reply 1 : ( I don't like to post my name ) Marie, and any other future commenters, I love my son and his sexual preference does not concern me. Stop digging for ignorance and a fight. You are sad to claim that I'm a homophobe, clearly in the text I am worried for his underage sex. The issue is that I cannot tell him he can't have sleep overs with boys until he comes out. Reason being, his brother has sleepovers with boy friends, and for me to take away that right from him is me suggesting that he is queer without him having the confidence to tell me. You are wrong. Don't be so quick to judge. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 Thank you for your advice so far. I am still conflicted. I want him to come out confidently. I know if I told him that I know, that he will feel as if it wasn't the right time and that I suffocate him. Yet I am still not OK with him having sex, if he is having sex. Does anyone have any advice on how to start a conversation about this? Any experienced parents or friends out there?