My boyfriend has been getting on my nerves. I offered him an ultimatum. Is this fair?

These past couple of days, my boyfriend has seriously been getting on my nerves. Since at least Monday Night/ Tuesday Morning. We were on the phone, and he was making me a bit uncomfortable talking about sex & what I do when I get “horny” and I’m alone. I just told him I live my best life and he left it alone but the conversation was so awkward... he went from like something sexual to like how my day was or something and it was really odd so I just mission aborted, hung up, and texted him “ 😬 goodnight “ so like yeah I went to sleep & usually he texts me first but I had to text him first and blah blah the day was pretty normal. Anyway, he’s been getting on my nerves since after that something crucial as hell and anytime we talk I feel like:

It’s been something every day since then that has pissed me off and I’ll want to talk to him about something like normal bf/gf talk but can’t even get to the point where I’m ready to express myself without getting irritated. This is crazy because he’s my peace but since that day i’ve just been thinking

Which is not how a relationship is supposed to be. He’ll try to talk to me but it’ll be about dumb stuff & in my head I’m like instead...

He’s at work allllll fucking day & after that he goes to the gym usually so that leaves me bare minimum time to talk to him because he’s tired after all that. Every morning he says good morning babe/ baby/ boo/ etc. and yesterday he just said good morning (I know that seems minor but he’s a routine type of guy so it’s odd). I don’t know. I don’t want to talk to him about anything sexual right now 🙄 but he’s continually bringing shit up not understanding that I obviously want to work on our regular relationship before that. He’s really sensitive and I don’t want to flat out say that I don’t like it.. because I do just not right now. But also

We had an argument earlier today. I snapped him later on & since he’s not home with me right now I asked him to call or FaceTime. He said he would after a shower because I guess his towels were drying but he wasn’t doing shit else so I don’t understand why we couldn’t just talk. I guess Youtube is more important than communication. Eventually, he tells me to call and the call is super shitty because it’s just a negative vibe. We argue AGAIN and he hangs up. I decided to message him a little before now and explain if we don’t fix things by today we should basically call it quits.

Is this fair? To give him that ultimatum? What’s crazy is that before this, we’ve only gotten into one real argument now we bicker everyday at this point. Our calls have been the worse, but as I mentioned before he’s not home with me ☹️.

I don’t love him. I just like him a lot. I was on the phone with him and my sister told me she loved me and I responded with I love you too and she asked if I love “him” which is my boyfriend since we were otp and I flat out said no and she asked why (she is 4!) and I told her I don’t know like I just don’t yet and when she left he told me it feels like we’re starting over again because he didn’t like my answer? I apologized tho because

Am I in the wrong? If I am the toxic one, please let me know. I might need to grow up and get over myself but it’s just .. a new life because I’ve never been with a man that wouldn’t try to fix our problems before we go to sleep at night. It’s mind boggling. I kind of feel like I’m settling.

So ladies, should I see what happens today with us? Take a break? Apologize more? Change my number? Fucking what y’all because it’s stressful. ☹️ and he’s very sensitive every little thing hurts his feelings so I don’t want to be too much of an ass but I just want attention.. like he would regularly gives but now it’s just like he does overtime at work and goes to play basketball SO that he’s tired enough not to talk to me. Idk y’all. He my boy though. I like him a lot. Comment and vote please.

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