IVF meds


The skinny on #myivfdrugs.

Current drugs of choice (?!)

75mcg Levothyroxine (tablets when wake up)

Buserelin (0.5ml 10am injection)

Menopur (225iu 7pm injection)

Prenatal vitamin inc. Folic Acid (tablet before bed)

Must be different for everyone and as a google fiend I thought it was going to be horrific BUT for me #menopur wasn’t . (I’ll add a disclaimer here that I must have a very strange body and how it reacts as I am in that 1% that PUT ON weight whilst taking a daily dose of 75mcg of #levothyroxine which is supposed to speed your metabolism) so back to #menopur #stims

1. Yes, hideous headaches in the morning but totally solved by acetaminophen.

2. Tired every afternoon/evening but again solved by a nap and grateful for this time off work and ability to just listen to what my body wants.

3. Slight nausea after the injection but I found taking it on an empty stomach and then eating directly after meant the nausea was no more by Day 3.

4. I may have had hot flashes but as it’s boiling hot here anyway and we live in a country totally non equipped for the heat I felt boiling most of the time so couldn’t tell you if I’ve had these

5. All injections in stomach and tiny amount of bruising but no stinging or itching.

#buserelin was (and continues to be) my demonic drug. So this is where I found the most side effects. Of course every single experience is personal and therefore just to add my differing personal ones might be useful to someone?...

1. Always prone to hormonal acne this flared up some very nasty cystic ones, this hasn’t let up and is a cause of some distress especially as again the heat involved makeup melt off so constantly feel like a baggage.

2. Bloating from Day 3 of these injections I’ve been waddling around since 18th June.( and the lovely added extra of letting off said gas at any given time)