i need help ! advice would be awesome! x

so i have a boyfriend and he doesn’t have a phone so i can’t text him much and he goes to a different school and idrk what to do because i’ve always felt this attraction to this other guy that ive known for months and i’ve always had feelings for him and he’s being a lot nicer to me and stuff and he talks to me a little more and stuff but i kinda feel deep down hoping that he likes me but i kinda know that he won’t even thou he’s acting a little strange at the moment like he’s not usually like this but i don’t think he’ll ever like me i told him i liked him once ages ago and i asked if he had felt the same way back and he said not really and i questioned it and he just said he had to go and he was kinda an arse back then but he’s a lot nicer now and he means a lot to me and i always try to text or talk to him and he’ll reply back and we’ll have great conversations and i want to have more conversations and idk how or what to say and do because i feel bad and i just want advice please help!!!! it would mean the world