Only one day??


So my cycle is generally always 28/29 days. I ovulate the exact day glow says I should and my period is always 3/4 days followed by one day of that icky brownish spotting.

Soooo my period came a day early. Normal bleeding, a little darker but I only filled one tampon and the next day it was gone. I basically would wipe for the next two days and I would see maybe a streak of pink or brown. Didn’t even need a panty liner. VERY STRANGE. I’ve had a month where I was crazy late before and I’ve had some abnormally heavy months but never just one day then nothing. I’ve taken two tests—-the day after and then again today (both BFN, 2 days apart). I’m having weird dizzy spells where I thought I was going to faint at work yesterday and random nausea flairs. What the heck is going onnnnnn.

Edit—-I posted this in trying to conceive but figured I would post in here....I’m now at 4 days of spotting and it’s only when i wipe never even on my undies...I even wore white pants yesterday lol

If you had implantation bleeding can anyone compare to this??