Stay or Change?


My boyfriend and I have been dating on and off for 3 years now. When we first dated it was great and he was sweet and such a gentleman. After we broke up and got back together, he would be sweet to me but also be kind of rude. It was confusing. He would be rude but cover it up with being sweet. We've broken up before because we were angry, he's cheated on me, and he's left me for another girl, and i left him because he was being an asshole. It probably seems crazy that I would give him so many chances but each time he made it seem so sincere. Well since this last time he has been such a doll. his attitude has changed so much its like he is a completely different person. However ive been thinking of breaking up with him. Lately I've been begging to go out on a date and he keeps putting it off because of money issues. whatever no big deal, i can pay this time but he keeps saying no that he doesnt want me to spend my money like that. Also, we have kind of been getting in trouble with his parents lately and its to the point where I dont even want to go to his house anymore. And....there is this other boy. He is a great friend of mine and he confessed his feelings for me not to long ago. He said he was going to ask me out the last time my boyfriend and i broke up but he knew i was so broken about it that he didn't want to push anything. 😢 This guy is so sweet, he is super kind and goes through lengths to make me happy even just as his friend. And his. personality is so cool! Hes a drummer, plays guitar and bass. He plans to attend a Christian college to become a worship leader. And his eyes are such a nice blue. I still love my boyfriend but with the info of my friends feelings for me the tables have turned. I've only really had one other boyfriend besides him, so I'm not VERY experienced in dating and obviously its been pretty rocky. so what should I do?

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