Good news!


I was sooo worried about being Gestational and I know so many moms get it and love to tell the tale but I was so conscious about it. My mom had it with me when pregnant and I swear the last 30 years of my life my family has done nothing but tell me “better watch your sugar”, “let’s check your sugar” my mom had the machine and would every now and then just check it because she just believed I had sugar issues. I’m 29 + 4 and am so happy to say that after failing the one hour, I PASSED THE 3-HOUR. I’m not gestational. I was literally just not going to tell any family so I didn’t have to hear it because I knew it would be all I heard the rest of my pregnancy. I knew they would talk behind my back and say it was a weight issue or a number of things which I know it’s not. I’m just so happy and wanted to share. I had resolved myself that if I did have it I would still make the best of it to get my healthy baby boy here, 100 finger pricks a day, so be it. But, I am happy with just keeping an eye on weight gain and sugar and not having too for now.