Need help. Had a D&C 3 weeks ago. Think I may be pregnant again.

Haven’t gotten my period yet. Been <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> and last OPK I took was 6 days ago which was negative. So I lost hopes obviously. I had taken about 6 OPK’s prior to that and every single one of them negative. Yesterday I felt REALLY sleepy, like pregnant sleepy, the way I used to feel with my first. Took a 3 hour nap and still when I woke up I could barely keep my eyes open. I was wondering where all that tiredness came from. I also noticed I’ve been having weird dreams but didn’t think of pregnancy since I’m not ovulating. Last night I had 1 nightmare and one really REALLY weird dream. Today my husband is bringing me a pregnancy test when he gets home from work. But based on all this info, could I be pregnant? I’ve been having sex almost every day with my husband.