She just pisses on my parade..


Ok so my partner has his mum, dad and his step mum who’s no longer with his dad but she has raised him since he was 4 so he is still involved with her.

LET ME TELL YOU THIS BISH (step mum) PISSES ON MY DAMN PARADE😡 this is long and I am sorry in advance.

Me and my partner fell pregnant rather quickly (around 5 months into our relationship) and about a month after we fell out I had a huge argument with my own mum that turned physical and I left with my daughter, I went to my partner to stay for a night and told them everything (even my own wrong doing in the situation) and my own mum refused to speak to me, blocked my number and everything.. my partners step mum says “you stay here as long as you like” on Christmas Day we made our pregnancy announcements to everyone and I can honestly say I almost cried how ecstatic they all were😭 then his step mum gets drunk.. starts making it all about her saying “I can’t believe you two kept this from ME” all this rubbish, falling all over the place and trying to pick my daughter up who had just turned a year old while standing on marble tiles, myself and others had tried telling her as nice as possible that she couldn’t and she literally kept trying to rip my daughter from my arms, my SO noticed from the kitchen and immediately cane running in, jumped between her and my daughter and told her “you are far to drunk to lift her tonight, you may talk to her but in NO WAY are you lifting her, if you drop her you’ll smash her head open on that floor” so she goes in this pathetic little school girl mood, making sure to catch my SO’s eye and doing this stupid little pouty schoolgirl sideye thing🤔 kind like the one depicted below🙄🙄🙄 so I told him I wanted to go home and home we went.

I had planned to go and declare myself homeless the next day when suddenly I got VERY sick, I was falling asleep for 14+ hours a night almost like I had been knocked unconscious, I was really struggling to move as my whole body was in absolute agony, I was doing the best I could to clean and care for my daughter but my SO being the wonderful man he is would take one look at me and tell me to go back to bed and take over with my daughter and chores, I was so grateful to him and always told him that as soon as I was feeling even slightly better I would chip back in again.. well I only overheard his step mum telling his bio mum how I am sooooo lazy, how I had made no effort to get a place of my own (it was Christmas period but I was trying still), how he does everything for my daughter and works on top of it (he wasn’t, a lot of his shifts were being cancelled as they didn’t have the work for him) and how I can’t live there much longer and she’d be kicking me out the next week, she dragged my name through the dirt for smoking (I was cutting down to 2-5 per day from 15-20 as doctor said it would cause stress to my body and baby if I just stopped instantly) and she was telling his bio mum how her niece was ready to “erupt” with me bc she can’t have kids... my heart was absolutely torn! This woman was sitting to my face telling me how wonderful I am trying to blow her bullshit hot air up my ass and dragging my name through the dirt behind my back!! I was stuck in this situation because here in the UK the council place I had to go to was closed so I had to wait another week... well fast forward 2/3 days I started bleeding and miscarried our baby😭 suddenly she was very kind and comforting (obviously regretting what she said) I went the next day and declared myself homeless and was given a temporary accommodation till they could get me a permanent place of my own and suddenly we didn’t have to go right away.. we went. I got my own place but was waiting for carpets to be out down and she said we could stay with her till they were down.. now because I was much better I cooked/cleaned EVERY DAY for myself, my SO, her and her son and her partner if he spent the night, no complaints, if I’m the only one not working it’s my job to upkeep the house... and even if the only mess made by my so and daughter is in our own bedroom.. even if it means I have to wash her/her sons dishes, washing, the bathroom, hallway and bathroom 1-2 times a day u just did it.. but the first time I took a day off to take my daughter out in the good weather !? She dragged me to anyone who would listen! Calling me and SO lazy and everything! She never bothered with my daughter while we lived there, she spent a maximum of 5 minutes a day giving her attention before she went into her room and told my daughter “go get your mummy” while I cooked for her and her son.. but would complain if my daughter cried when I strapped my daughter into her pushchair so I could cook/clean for them.. now she’s all over my Facebook pics like “oh I miss her so much” “I miss her wee face”... but has never suggested coming to see my daughter and I refuse to take her there for that woman to speak to her for 5 mins then ignore her🤔 There is so much more but I’ll leave it here as I could go on literally all day 😂😂

On a high note my SO’s bio mum is absolutely wonderful! She offers to babysit my daughter all the time, buys her new clothes every time she’s out, she comes to see us every few weeks and is always supporting us in everything we do♥️ it’s just a shame her house was too small for us to live there for the 2 months we needed to stay with his step mum☹️