Two miscarriages and not good news with RE

Alison, 🌈 👶🏻 born 7/26/19

I had two miscarriages one in December and one in April... I just turned 39 in june. I had testing done with a RE ... my FSH was high at 16.9 and It should be below 10. My AMH was extremely low at .1 or something like that. Don’t remember the exact number I need to get my records. He basically didn’t seem very positive. He said he’s not telling me to give up, the fact that I have gotten pregnant with these numbers is a good sign however if I wasn’t getting pregnant he basically would tell me to do donor eggs now. He said he isn’t even sure fertility drugs or <a href="">ivf</a> would work on me which is why he would be reluctant to do it. Oh I also came up positive for some blood clotting disorder which I also need to look into with a hematologist. The plan now is to retest my fsh on my next cycle and then also see a hematologist and see where we are at in September ... I feel very hopeless now. He said it’s my eggs that obviously they decline when you get older and the quality of mine are not good which is why I’m having the losses. Has anyone had any success stories with low AMH and high fsh? My ability to get pregnant is a good thing I guess but I just feel at a loss with all of this. The fact that he didn’t even seem hopeful with <a href="">ivf</a> just makes me feel worse. Thank you.