morning sickness returned with a vengeance 16wks

Denise • Hey girls hey 💁
I had horrible morning sickness in the first trimester, i lost nearly 10lbs and it started to ease up after the 9th week give or take. Now, all of a sudden at 16wks I’m really sensitive to smells, i can’t hold anything down from sweet to savoury. I really don’t understand lol! And also I’ve noticed my scalp has been ridiculously dry and my dandruff has increased 1 billon percent! It’s so bad I’m seeing a dermatologist about it because I’m going crazy scratching my head like a child with lice (i don’t have lice)! Anyways that’s my vent for today, has anyone experienced anything like this? I’m carrying a boy and when i was pregnant with my first (a girl) the pregnancy was really chill. This one is so different 😩😩😩