First Pregnancy, cramps, waking up at night


Hi everybody!

We found out we’re pregnant last week on Saturday and we couldn’t be more exited with this pregnancy. This is our first pregnancy and because of that I don’t know what to expect and was hoping some of you guys might’ve experienced something similar to me and might give me some insight.

I’m 4 weeks 2 days today and I’ve been having some mild to a little more than mild (but not severe) cramps for the last 5 days. I cramp maybe once during the day and once at night, enough to wake me up. TMI but the night cramps kinda feel like I need to go #2 but then I don’t. Today I’ve had some more cramping during the day and I start to worry.

I don’t know if this is normal or if someone has gone through something like this.

Thank you in advance!