When you cut someone out!!!!


If someone is toxic to you they’re toxic to your children & your partner!

My husband and I have had to cut so many damn people out of our lives this week!

DO NOT bend over backwards for someone who can’t even do you a solid just ONCE even though they gave you their word!

My husband has been going to therapy now for a few months because his mother is an abusive/manipulative piece of trash! Things he learnt this week: your family is your wife and your son now, whomever you need to cut out to make yours less stressful then do so!

My husband cut off his mother YEARS ago she wanted nothing but the worst for us, always caused riffs between us! He just cut out his Dad & step mom because he always makes rude comments towards me, and bitches at me for giving my child LOVE when he needed it (he’s 1.5 years old) also because my husband and i bend over BACKWARDS for them. His dad got his FOURTH DUI three years ago, and we live 3 hours away (600 km’s round trip) and we’ve drove down using our vehicle many many many times to pick him up and bring him to his appointments under the assumption that his WIFE (step mom) that she wasn’t going to be there and that’s why we had to take him. NO it’s because she’s scared to drive on the highway. We’ve also driven down to go pick them up all in one day to bring them up to our place (6 HOURS FOR A ROUND TRIP) all so they could see their grandchild cause god forbid if we don’t they’ll hold it over our heads!!! They’ve come into OUR house and disrespected us TOO MANY TIMES!

My husband’s sister doesn’t talk to her own dad because of the “new wife” we have bent over backwards for these people SO MANY TIMES! We used to go down EVERY WEEKEND to see the people out of the kindness of our hearts so that they could see their grand kid!

We’ve had financial issues in the past and have not ONCE asked anyone for help! We just got rid of all of our financial issues, and our car has 3 recalls, okay cool it’ll be fixed once all the parts come in no big deal. HOWEVER, we drove down on Canada Day (July 1st) to go visit and it was I believe 116 degrees Fahrenheit (50 Celsius) and god forbid if we don’t go see his parents and I post pictures on Facebook that we were down doing things with OTHER PEOPLE and yet we didn’t go see them (it’s only ever happened once before and we got reemed for it by his parents - EXCUSE ME?) ALSO his step mother expects US to drive OUR son down on MY BIRTHDAY/OUR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY weekend to go camping with them while we do absolutely nothing? (We’re celebrating this weekend coming up) and they expect that they’re gonna feed him HOT DOGS, CHIPS AND ICE CREAM all WEEKEND! I think the hell not!!!!! We don’t eat any of that at home only hot dogs the odd time!!!!

Anyways so we drove home the next day as I said our vehicle is on recall for a few issues, and we come home fed our child and decided to go get snacks for movie night we go out to the car only to find the AC shit the bed (it’s one of the 3 recalls) so my husband calls his dad and asks if he can borrow the truck until we get the act fixed (car can only go in July 16th as they are backed up until August but have spots for emergency drop offs) so we figured his dad would let us as every time they get a new vehicle they always tell my husband oh hey try out my new vehicle and see if it’s any good and they always let my husband drive it whenever it’s CONVIENIENT FOR THEM to help them with whatever they need (cause all 3 of her kids are useless at helping them out) so his dad said yes but he said oh he’ll talk to his step mom and see what she says we knew what the result would be but not to this extent! Brace yourselves!

They called my husband a few nights ago and his dad was SCREAMING at him all because his wife bitches like there’s no tomorrow when it comes to my husband (even though for years since I came along my husband and her were like mother and son) anyways after an hour of a bitch fest from his dad he said okay you can borrow it but I’ll call you back in a few days.

They call him back yesterday to get back to him about borrowing the vehicle and they basically said nope to F off and they offered us $100 for a rental (it’ll cost at least $700 for a rental here for minimum a week) so my husband hangs up the phone and tells me all this and I’m like okay so we can bend over backwards for these people and you ask them for one favour and they can’t even return one? Plus his dad went back on his word. So I told my husband okay well let’s not go on our weekend trip save our money cause we’ll probably die driving for 6 hours to our destination in the heat (we saved up for months for this weekend getaway I think we deserve it haven’t been away in 3 years..)

SO my husband calls them back, and my husband has ALWAYS been respectful doesn’t matter if you spit in his face. He’s military so it’s literally fed into his head that’s who he needs to be. My husband doesn’t yell or raise his voice (only when he’s excited and talks loud) so he went down to the basement cause our child was napping. He called his dad back to see if he would kindly change his mind. The first thing my husband hears is her yelling in the background that my husband calls 10 times a day. WTF you’re lucky if he calls twice a month!!!! My husband is an extremely busy & dedicated to his work kind of guy!! He only calls because guess who reminds him and tells him to call to see how his dad is doing?

🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️ if it weren’t for me he wouldn’t have the time of day! So she’s bitching in the background talking crap (after all the years of saying she sees my husband as her own son and she was in tears saying it) she’s SCREAMING not talking screaming. She gets on the phone and starts yelling at my husband and being a complete asshole. Saying he can’t borrow the truck no one is borrowing it anymore ALL BECAUSE HER SON AND DAUGHTER HAVE PUT 30,000 km’s on it and have DAMAGED IT! We’ve never so much as even returned it without it being clean or having a full tank of gas. We’ve driven down to help him take his new trailer to get fixed on my birthday/our anniversary weekend last year and I didn’t even get so much of a happy birthday or happy anniversary not even a thank you! 6 hour round trip plus hours on end wasting our time with an 8 month old baby in our arms. My husband lost his mind yesterday! I’ve never seen him so disrespected by her in our entire relationship (7 years) and his dad doesn’t like “confrontation” no, he doesn’t have THE BALLS to stand up for HIS OWN SON but it’s OKAY for her kids to do whatever the hell they PLEASE with their step dads property but yet SHE doesn’t have the BALLS to tell her own kids NO! They’ve been disrespectful with their words ever since our son was born. Before this the worst was Easter when she was acting like a snotty bitch ALL WEEKEND after we cancelled our already made plans with MY family so my husband could go pick them up with OUR MONEY, OUR GAS, OUT CAR AND KILOMETRES to please them! After yesterday NO MORE. My husband basically told him his goodbyes, and said to her congratulations you’re no longer welcome in my sons life and she said “well I’ll see him when your dad gets his license back next year” my husband turned around and said “No you won’t, my dad can come up to visit but you’re no longer welcome in our house.” She’s been absolutely rude to my husband and we’ve had enough!!! It’s okay for her child (30 years old and up to do whatever they please) but we ask for one favour and it’s the end of the world after bending over backwards for these people. My husband and I have cut all ties with them, deleted her and her kids from social media and are wiping our hands clean of any toxic people. I’m SALTY AF because of their drama. I’m genuinely the nicest person in the world!

******** my short story *********

I myself have blocked out my dads sisters and brothers because they never bother to include us in any family events ONLY Christmas. They had a family get together this past weekend, I found out after my aunt messaged me to get my dads phone number (my parents have always been treated like the black sheep) and they invited my parents to a bbq at their house to meet their nephew they haven’t seen since he was 4 years old BUT only the aunts and uncles are invited not the cousins okay cool no big deal right? I called my dad to shoot the shit tonight he’s made mistakes but nothing we couldn’t get over (my husband is like his son, my husbands calls him whenever he needs to vent) anyways called him and find out most of my cousins were there. So thanks A LOT for the invite. This isn’t the first time either this happens all the time, they have parties and birthday parties and post it all over social media and have never once invited us! So I finally decided to wipe my hands clean of them. I’m so tired of shady family members!!

I could go on but I’ve written enough lol! So thanks if you take your time to read it! ♥️

(PS: I absolutely HATE drama!!!!! I have a very small circle of friends because of hating drama sooo much this is literally too friggin much for me this entire story)