Should we be concerned?

Whitney • Wife (5/20/17). Christian. Mommy to Ryleigh (8/08/18). 👨‍👩‍👧

So my OB was a tad concerned about my blood pressure at my last appointment on Tuesday. She said to keep an eye on it, and if we were still concerned about it, we would run some tests. And I’m already high-risk, because I have a septate in my uterus, so my uterus is like half-sized?

My mom worked as a nurse for 30+ years, and so we’ve been monitoring my blood pressure. Yesterday it was 137/85, and today it was 144/90. Now mind you, I’ve had perfectly normal blood pressure this entire pregnancy, and before we got pregnant. So the fact that it’s gone up like that 2 days in a row has my husband concerned.

He is having my mom take my blood pressure tomorrow, and if it’s any higher, he says he wants me to go and get checked by L&D.; Baby is moving like normal (a bit less, but she’s running out of room). Are we just being paranoid? Or is it smarter to get checked?