Everyone important knows now! I’m FREEEEE!

Kayla • Happily married to my high school sweetheart 💕 Mama to two sweet boys. ❤️ TTC 🌈 #3 Future nurse 🩺

I found out I was pregnant as soon as implantation occurred, 8 days before my period was due. So we have known about this baby for almost 11 weeks and had to stay quiet for a long time!

I told my best friend and parents right away, announced to my boss and inlaws yesterday, and even got to tell the elderly residents of the facility I work for! I’m thinking of doing my social media announcement sometime this week!I find out the gender Friday and might wait until then but I’m feeling antsy!

Everyone is SO EXCITED about this baby. Even my MIL who I thought would be upset is happy! I feel so blessed today!