I seen my lil bean/ sick


Today I had my first ultrasound me and my boyfriend are very excited that we finally got to see our lil one it’s soo amazing when you get to see your lil one it makes it all so real I am due feb 3. I am right on track 10wks and 2days today from my last LMP. 😊. Far as everything else my ob appt went well his worry that I am having mini seizures so I have to call my Neurologiest office and make and make an appointment right away.

I had a slight fever but they gave me a cold compress because I don’t really taking meds for headaches due to my temperature a cold compress always helps me and works for me. Plz keep me in your 🙏🏾. N my other symptoms he just said that I am just having horrible pregnancy symptoms and he just wants me to take it easy and rest.

Heart rate was 163bpm. Everything looked great and thank good it calmed down my nerves. 🤰🏾😊😘💯🙏🏾.