help! femara advice please!!!


Hi y’all!

My husband and I are on our 11th month TTC. Last month we had testing done and I am not ovulating every cycle due to low progesterone levels. Also my husband had a SA done and has decreased morphology. (1%) The doctor put him on a vitamin regimen and I am starting my first round of Femara tomorrow. My dosage is 2 2.5mg pills for 5 days. (cycle days 3-7) My doctor suggested that is we are not pregnant within 3 cycles, we will have to try <a href="">IUI</a>.

But before I even worry about that, I am praying the medicine helps me. I was wondering how many cycles of femara did it take before you conceived? Did you have any noticeable side effects while taking Femara? What dosage were you on? Any information or advice helps! I truly appreciate it!