Stay at home woman

Kate • God first💒 Married to my best friend💍 Border collie mom🐾 Country girl👢

Do y’all personally respect the choice of a woman to stay at home/be financially dependent on her husband? Why or why not?

Some background:

I have an engineering degree at my state college, and got married to my college boyfriend shortly after graduation. I worked for a few months in engineering before realizing I didn’t like my career choice. I quit my job and started to work as a nanny. I enjoyed that quite a bit, but my husband and I were having issues managing our pets/housework with both of us working full time. Because my nanny income was fairly insignificant compared to his (less than 1/10th), we decided together that it would make more sense for me to stay home and take care of the house and animals instead of working. I absolutely love staying at home because we always have a clean house, our dogs get the attention they need, and my husband’s salary covers all of our expenses comfortably. However, I have received a lot of scrutiny from family members and friends for this choice. I’ve been told to “have more respect for myself” and “this isn’t the 1950’s.” I feel as if I do have self respect, given I absolutely love this role. My husband acknowledges daily how hard I work to keep our home spotless, take care of the animals, and cook two meals a day for him. I feel spoiled because I don’t have to contribute to our income, and he feels spoiled because he comes home to a clean house and home cooked dinner every night. We both work really hard but doing what we love! I just don’t understand the issue people have with our lifestyle. Hopefully y’all can share your insight ❤️

EDIT: YALL! I asked this question cause the judgement hurts and I want some insight/counter-arguments/opinions/approval/personal stories from other ladies. I didn’t come on here to be criticized for seeking approval! Of course I’m seeking approval! Who isn’t when they’re heavily criticized for making a decision?? So for all of y’all who “called me out,” YES I am seeking approval and I appreciate the women giving it to me, as well as the women explaining why they disagree with what I do💕