
My 7 month old likes to pull herself up to stand on EVERYTHING! I can’t even look away for 2 seconds or go to the bathroom. Eyes have to be on her constantly! When she falls down she usually hits her head, I’m worried about if the repeated hits to the head are going to cause damage. Sometimes she hits hard, other times not as bad. Unfortunately she’s at the point that she’s hitting it at least once a day 😬. Is this going to cause long term damage? Is there a way I can make it safer for her to explore and pull to stand up that when she falls she doesn’t hurt herself? I’ve already removed everything that I can from the room, but she still keeps finding ways. I know pulling to stand is an important part of development but I just don’t know what to do anymore! I feel like an awful mother for her getting hurt so often. Please help with advice or stories about how you got through this situation?! TIA