Selfish in bed

I’ve been with this guy for almost 6 months ( I don’t know why I’ve put up for this for so long) but every time he wants to have sex or have me go down on him, I do it. But when I ask him, he’s too tired or he says he’ll owe me a sexual favor later... it never happens. I’m so done with him at this point. I love being with him but he’s just so selfish. We had sex tonight and then as I was getting ready to leave his house he wanted a hand job: I gave him one but told him I’m leaving in a few minutes because he has to get up early for work. He wanted me to keep going so I did. Then I asked him for a quick massage he said no. So when he went to the bathroom, my butt left. I’m over it. I’m such a people pleaser and I always end up hurt in the end


Whenever I do actually say no to something because I actually am too tired, he’ll be like “no you’re not even tired, I can tell when you’re tired” AND he’ll beg me for a solid hour or two until I say yes. Once I actually didn’t do what he wanted then he texted me later and apologized because “he can’t help the way he is”

Once I walked out last night he texted me “bye lol” He honestly doesn’t get my frustration.