This dream really messed me up...

So I woke up from one of the worst dreams I’ve ever had. It was dream that my boyfriend I’ve been with for 3 years brought another women home to try and spice up the relationship but it wasn’t a just one night thing. The girl lived with us and all this craziness. So I ended up going after the both of them in my dream. I told him I was leaving him and he said finally I was waiting for you to get the hint that I don’t want to be with you anymore. A lot of other stuff happened but this just really messed with my head. I woke up crying hysterically and he kept asking me what was wrong but I can’t even look at him right now.

I know this is gonna make me sound crazy or stupid. But 2 years ago my boyfriend had cheated on me. A week before I found out I had a dream he cheated on me and the girls name in my dream was the same name of the girl he cheated on me with. Now yes I took him back after breaking up for 6 months. But since then he’s been absolutely amazing we’ve been great the past 2 1/2 years. He’s never made me think twice if he’s cheating or not. He’s either busting his ass at work or with me. But this dream just really messed me up. I can’t stop crying and thinking that maybe deep down he does want to leave me or has someone else. Like Idk what to do. I just told him I think it’s best if I’m left alone until I feel better because I don’t want to flip out on him because of a dream.