My Husband is Ruining our Sex Life!

My husband is way too into anal and I absolutely hate it!! When we first got together I told him that anal is the only thing I would never do and after we got married he kept asking me to try it and I finally gave in but hated every second of it! Ever since then, he has not stopped trying! We are supposed to be TTC and even when he knows I'm ovulating he still goes for anal 9 out of 10 times! I get so frustrated and turned off and sex always turns into an argument now! He knows how much I hate it and he knows it grosses me out and makes me feel uncomfortable and unattractive yet he still tries it! At this point I don't know what to do. What would you do?!

EDIT: Yes we have talked about it! He knows how I feel about it and I do say no and he does respect it and stop! There is absolutely no forcing! We never end up doing it, it's just the fact that he tries it first every time! He listens when I tell him to stop then we just have regular sex. The problem is that I get so turned off by him trying anal that I don't want to have sex at all which is why we haven't been having any.